I Just Can't Get Enough!

There was a time when I was the go to person for a lot of things technical.

It’s true, in 1986 when we got a video recorder at home; I was the one who figured out how to work it first.  With help of course, it weighed about 10 kilos and was the size of the medium suitcase from a matching set of three.  It did take most of the family’s effort to get it into the sitting room, then we relayed across the room dragging and grunting with a final muscle rupturing push to mount it on the shelf under the television. 

When I met my other half, I discovered he was pretty good at things like that too, so, along with the bins, I eventually stepped aside and let him take control of all things technical in our lives.  It wasn’t just because he was better than me at it.  Well mostly it was, but also somewhere along the way, I forgot I liked gadgets and buttons.

Then, one day in October 2010, I got a smart phone.  I hadn’t planned to get one, it was a hand me down from my other half, so I was quite chilled out about it.  Just another phone right?


In the few short months the phone and I have been together, it appears to have become a significant other in my life.  I left it in car one day when I had to walk approximately 20 metres to pick up my daughter from school and I kept slamming my hand against my pocket looking for it.

Just like a baby, it’s small but in complete control and I can’t remember what my life was like without it.

I hate to admit it, but I’m hooked, it’s got all these apps and things that I’m becoming heavily dependent on.

I’m now a Twitter addict and I have to check the weather hourly.  Really I have to, if I can’t I feel a bit sick.  There’s also a flash light app, games for the kids, a calorie counter (like I’m ever going to use that), angry birds and this really cool one of a cat that mouths whatever you say to it.  It’s hilarious – honestly.  If you saw it you would know what I mean.

I can email from my phone, I can read my ever increasing list of blogs on it.  It’s got a GPS that I’ve actually used.  It wakes me in the morning and reminds me of appointments.  It’s like a having an assistant.

I love my phone.  I really do and now that I’ve said it I feel like I should be standing up in a room full of people who are all there for the same reason and need help.  I may need a sponsor to help me through the difficult times.  I don’t want one though, I’m just not ready.

There, there phoney poos, they won’t separate us my little shiny one. 

Stay with Mama – My Precious!

On the bright side, I am always contactable.


  1. I know how you feel. I feel more naked without my phone than if I forget my wallet. Probably more naked than without pants, but I haven't tried that yet.

  2. I love this post! I am also addicted to Twitter. I thought I would hate it, but now I'm hooked.

    Oh, and I found your blog through MBC. I am now following you and look forward to reading more!


  3. Before I read this I wanted one - now I realise that I NEED one. Now.

  4. New follower!
    Hope you can stop by and follow us at


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